Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Accutane Dry Eyes/Lips??

What do you reccomend to use when i go on roaccutane to treat dry eyes and dry chapped lips???



preferably available in the uk! :)Accutane Dry Eyes/Lips??
I am not sure what to suggest for your eyes but a simple saline for the eyes solution.

For the lips drink a lot of water, and through a straw if possible.

Less licking.

Try pure and natural lip balms (no vaseline petroleum things)

Pure vitamin e is best. Break open a pill if you can.

Or buy it naturally in a bottle.Accutane Dry Eyes/Lips??
Well they told me to use vaseline on my lips but it actualyl made the crusting on them worse! So my doctor prescribed me Hydrocortizone cream and it helped a load! Remember to keep topping up your moistoriser throughout the day (if youre not going out) and drink pleanty of water!

Feel free to msg me if you have any other questions or anything!

Good luck! xx

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