Monday, August 23, 2010

Nice eyeshadow and lip color for my skin tone and eye color?

Skin-- it's like a dark caramel color.

Eyes-- REALLY dark- I mean they look black and you can't see my pupils but they are brown.

What's something I can wear on a daily basis that won't look ridiculous or to out there? I'm going to be a senior and I'm sick of being so natural. =/Nice eyeshadow and lip color for my skin tone and eye color?

-dark brown



-rose pink

-shimmery cream color


-red (but with neutral eyes, would look AMAZING!)



you can also try looking up celebrities with your coloring. maybe eva mendez?

and by the way, the natural look is the best =]Nice eyeshadow and lip color for my skin tone and eye color?
light pink or just clear gloss for lips

light pink gloss and mabey a gold eye shadow for blush i would use a pink

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